Fat Mars don't go away...

Discover our table of the month of March

    Those who know the difference between La Chandeleur and Mardi Gras raise your hands…two occasions to eat pancakes but not for the same reasons. La Chandeleur, which has already allowed you to take out the small round frying pan; is a feast on a fixed date, which closes the 40 days after Christmas, when Jesus was presented in the Temple. Mardi Gras on its side is not connected to Christmas, but to Easter arriving at the end of the seven fat days. This week, where everything is permitted, ends on the eve of Ash Wednesday when it was necessary to finish all that was good and fat before starting, the forty days of fasting – period of Lent – ​​which precedes Easter… You are informed and ready to cook pancakes, and many other sweet treats.

    26 products
    CHOCOLATE - Dark chocolate bar with almonds & fleur de sel
    CUPS - made of earthenware
    JAM - organic strawberry
    POSTER - Fruits of the 4 seasons watercolor
    from €34,00
    HONEY - Acacia from Gironde – 250g
    Light green Dark blue Light red Orange
    BEAUBOURG - Large tumbler
    NOUGAT - "Fruity" box
    SYRUP - Mint and Melissa
    Sold Out
    SPREAD - Organic Yuzu
    CHOCOLATE - Chocolate pin bar
    BOX- Discovery of the unexpected Cévennes
    HONEY - Dordogne Chestnut – 400g
    HERBAL TEA - Joy of Living
    JELLY - Currant
    KOADRO Mon Amour - Hand towel (cotton)
    SONG Sienne - Assiette à dessert - Milouin.com
    SONG Siena - Dessert plate Ø21cm
    SYRUP - Peach Verbena Lemon - 25cl
    Sold Out
    SPREAD - Organic bergamot
    Coffret Cuisiner avec les Enfants - Milouin.com
    Coffret Cuisiner avec les Enfants - Milouin.com
    BOX - Cooking with children (14 utensils)
    Coffret découverte - Fraîcheur d'agrumes - Milouin.com
    Coffret découverte - Fraîcheur d'agrumes - Milouin.com
    BOX - Citrus freshness
    Sold Out
    SPREAD - Organic Mandarin
    Babas aux agrumes (sans alcool) - Milouin.com
    Babas aux agrumes (sans alcool) - Milouin.com
    BABA WITHOUT ALCOHOL - Mini citrus babas
    from €9,00
    Pièce montée en tissu - Milouin.com
    FABRIC CREATION - Piece assembled
    Sold Out
    SPREAD - Organic lemon
    DUNE - Assiette à pain - Milouin.com
    DUNE - Bread plate Ø15.5cm
    Pain au miel BIO - Milouin.com
    GINGERBREAD - Organic honey bread