
1215 products

    Pour ne rien manquer des dernières nouveautés sur milouin !
    1215 products
    CHOCOLATE - Dark Caramelized Birdseed Bar
    CHOCOLATE - Fuzzy Tablet
    CHOCOLATE - Chocolate pin bar
    CHOCOLATE - Dark chocolate bar with almonds & fleur de sel
    BOX- Discovery of the unexpected Cévennes
    BOX - Discovery of mushrooms
    BOX - Discovery of the chestnut (large box)
    BOX - Discovery of the chestnut (small box)
    HERBAL TEA - Detox
    HERBAL TEA - Joy of Living
    HERBAL TEA - Ready for Winter
    HERBAL TEA - I Ate Well
    HERBAL TEA - Feminine Balance
    HERBAL TEA - Starry Night
    TISANE - Throat Comfort
    SALT WITH HERBS - Grill meat or vegetables
    SALT WITH HERBS - Fish and white meat
    SALT WITH HERBS - Flower Salad
    SALT - with Herbes de Provence
    AROMATIC HERB - Herbes de Provence
    SYRUP - Mint and Melissa
    SYRUP - Thyme
    SYRUP - Rosemary
    SYRUP - Lavender
    SYRUP - Elderberry
    SYRUP - Melissa
    SYRUP - Green Mint
    JAM - Apricot
    JELLY - Currant
    JELLY - Blackcurrant
    PESTO - wild garlic
    KOADRO Mon Amour - Hand towel (cotton)
    SUKALDEA Fir Green - Hand Towels (cotton)
    SUKALDEA Fir Green - Apron (linen and cotton)
    Dark blue
    SUKALDEA Marine Absinthe - Apron (Linen and cotton)
    KONTATU Getaria Aqua - Tea towel (cotton)
    KONTATU Getaria Aqua - Apron (cotton)
    Dark blue
    MAULEON Deep blue - Long dish
    from €32,00
    Dark blue
    MAULEON Deep blue - Coffee mug
    Dark blue
    MAULEON Deep blue - Mug