Herem always your neighbor

I warn you in advance, this one is going to be a bit sharp, but I will take you with me, it will be fine, trust me.

In the great men it is good to have read, Spinoza is one of them. I grant it to you, to read “Ethics”, the great founding work of Baruch… it was called Baruch, can be a little arduous and it is necessary to show perseverance and abnegation; but in life, sometimes, showing that is good.

The story takes place in the 1630s when Spinoza was therefore the son of a famous merchant, an active member of the Portuguese Jewish community who had immigrated to the Netherlands at that time, to Amsterdam precisely. He is quickly very gifted for everything, for studies in particular and begins to think about religion and the relationship of man to God.

Spinoza quickly thinks that the projection of man goes through desire and will define God with nature, basing his relationship with him on great freedom. As the assumed man that he is, he will express his positions and defend them against the opinion of his community.

Thus, on July 27, 1656, at the age of 23, Baruch Spinoza was struck with a "herem", the equivalent of a violent banishment where he found himself excluded, cursed and in a unique way in the world. history – definitively.

Baruch will end his life alone, exiled in The Hague, to publish his works under the coat and to cut lenses for glasses and microscopes.

This "herem" pronounced for eternity, persists even today, and this, despite repeated requests for cancellation, the sentence of Baruch will be renewed in September 2012, more than 350 years after its pronouncement... what have the hard tooth huh…

.While you are now informed of this story; let's think about tolerance, and to paraphrase my girlfriends with a miss tiara from all countries, wish for peace in the world and let the herem become "He rem your neighbour..."