The Marquise de Pompadour or how Jeanne-Antoinette made April a fish

We always try to go to bed less stupid each day and we can start from the principle that there is either the margin, or the job, or both my captain…Iglo.

At this beginning of April, you will have understood it, the one where we do not discover ourselves… I want to come back to the fish; the best fish, the best fish. Why do we play pranks on April 1st?

What is funny is that this month does not seem to want to be caught, because the origins on the history of April Fool's Day do not match, without diverging for as much, each delivers its version breaded or miller, secretive tradition.

For some it was the beginning of the year before the Edict of Roussillon, conducive to offerings, for others the end of Lent, for still others the passion... phonetically become fish, for all however, this April first has a taste of lightness, freshness and renewal. Incredulous, impossible, April Fool's Day… everyone has tried their hand at it, sometimes turning the jokers of yesteryear into the preachers of today.

So, I suggest you keep a thoughtful thought for Antenne 2 which, on April 1, 1972 announced a ban on smoking in public places... So because quite simply linked to spring, the return of fishing, buds and other frivolities, let's celebrate the return of the accolades… treacherous stratagems to hang a rudely well-drawn fish on the back of his kiss.