About 2023

When I finished a little book by Frédéric Lenoir on happiness, I felt like going back to Montaigne's Essays, thanks to a quote taken from the book.

Published in 1580, Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, Lord of Montaigne, gives us his thoughts on life. I share with you this sentence that I found absolutely wonderful. I quote. “ Our greatest and glorious masterpiece is to live appropriately. All other things, to reign, to hoard, to build, are only appendicles and adminicles for the most ”.

Well, as Julien Lepers would say – a clue slips onto the screen for our viewer friends, appendicle means indisputable proof, administers a beginning of proof; I allow myself to save you time…since the redhead and not robert, has already done the job of looking for the definition.

Montaigne thus speaks to us of “living appropriately”. But isn't it beautiful “Living by the way”. But what is living by the way? I'm not going to give you a personal development course, nor comment on why the intestine would be the sixth emotion, but just have the pleasure of sharing with you this sentence which reminds us, I believe, of what we owe to ourselves. .

We must be in our place in society, surrounded by people who deserve us, realize our value and evolve in the right place. We owe it to ourselves to live appropriately, to be in phase with ourselves, because if we follow Michel's advice (not the poems, huh) hoarding, reigning or building will ultimately only be proof of our just position in the life.

How ? By doing the best you can to be at your own service and flourish according to your own rules; for sure, the rest will come. So good people, if you have the chance, make your dreams come true, and if you can't do it yet, keep them preciously in your pocket, like Emilie Jolie's little pebble, so you can bring them out intact less opportunity to materialize during this new year which is beginning.

In 2023, I wish you to “live by the way”. Thank you Michael and happy new year.